
Les Mills - a revolution in fitness

As is often the case with great events, nothing in the beginning suggests that neither they nor the participants involved will go down in history. Les Mills' system of training to maintain good shape and physical health is no exception.

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We believe that!

We believe that a gym is much more than this traditional idea of a space filled with exercise equipment and weights where people burn calories and sculpt muscular bodies.

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Interview with Ani Vladimirova - sports and depressive states

How to use exercise to avoid the depressive states caused by the pandemic by building a resilient personality that is maintained by recharging, not by "enduring" to the limit.

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February - Escape from depression

Next Level fitness launched its "Beautiful Mind in a Beautiful Body" campaign which aims through physical activity to improve the mental health of Bulgarian people undoubtedly influenced by social restrictions and isolation due to COVID-19.

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Beautiful Mind in a Beautiful Body

The Next Level conceptual fitness chain has launched its "Beautiful Mind in a Beautiful Body" campaign. It will provide support to anyone who wants to overcome the challenges facing our body and mind imposed by the "new normal".

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