
All you need to know about LES MILLS GRIT

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is any workout that involves short, intense bursts of effort followed by periods of recovery.

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All you need to know about LES MILLS CORE

LES MILLS CORE is a scientific core workout that uses athletic training principles to build strength, stability and endurance in the muscles that support your core. Each workout features a mix of proven core exercises and new integrated core training innovations.

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All you need to know about BODYPUMP

BODYPUMP is a barbell workout designed to get you lean, toned and fit. The combination of scientifically-backed moves, motivating instructors and great music helps you achieve much more than you would on your own.

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Workouts for kids start at Next Level Power Club

Тренировки за деца стартират в Next Level Power Club* от 1 юли 2021 г. Всички момичета и момчета на възраст от 8 до 14 години са добре дошли да спортуват, да се забавляват заедно и да създават нови приятелства.

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