Sami Hossny in “On Protein”

Sami Hossny in

Last week in our podcast series we introduced you to our first guest – the lovely Alexandra Algaffari. Read the article now if you haven’t already, or watch the episode if you’re a fan of the video.

Now it’s time for our second guest, who needs no introduction, because we’re sure that just by saying #nodaysoff you’ll already know who we’re talking about.

Sami Hossni is a nutritionist, life coach, former national swimmer, 10 times Bulgarian kickboxing champion and Asian Muay Thai champion.

About nutrition, training and good habits with Sami Hossny

Diet or healthy lifestyle?

It is a misconception that to be in shape you have to follow a diet. A mode is a frame that you can only get out of and nothing else. It can be difficult for a person who has a dynamic lifestyle to adhere to such a super restrictive framework as a certain diet. It is important to understand what are the protein needs of the body, what are the overall caloric needs of a person, so that he can achieve his goal. Accordingly, to lose, gain or maintain certain kilograms.

Healthy eating is a way of life. Building habits takes time, it takes dedication. Some people say it takes 22 days to form a habit and 66 days to integrate that habit into your life. If you can be fully committed to one thing in 66 days, that’s literally 2 months, you can change a lot, you can totally change the direction your life is going.

What is the right way to set goals?

We must set such a goal that is tied to daily actions. That is, if my goal, for example for the new year, is to lose 30 kilograms – great! But make your goal actionable. My goal is, for example, to go to the gym three times a week. Achieving this goal will put you on the path to losing those 30 pounds. That is, to build the habits that will lead me to achieve this goal.

What is the role of business in people’s healthy lifestyle?

Building a healthy company culture comes from the people who are managers. If they are genuinely interested in wellness, then there is a wellness culture in the organization. Such type of people understand the meaning of a person who works in their company to be more lively, to be more active. So he is a better colleague, a better friend, more creative, less sick. And all the other things that come – he wastes less, socializes better because he has more points of contact with people in the company. Whether they will take steps together, whether they will exercise together, whether they will go on a hike – all these build better friendships.

When a person moves, he is better, he sleeps better, he communicates better with his partner next to him, he has better self-esteem. In general, you improve your whole persona, which means that you are much better at your workplace as well.

Does underestimating rest lead to negative consequences?

When I started working out more actively in the gym, I started strength training. I put more emphasis on increasing the amount of weight I can lift, correspondingly higher intensity. More weight with less reps, meaning I was increasing my strength. This, in turn, required a lot more time for working sets, for warm-up, for activation exercises, that is, you are killing 40 min./hour per workout, and this was destroying my central nervous system. Instead of feeling rested, energized after a workout, I’ve been lifting some heavy deadlifts and squats and I’m crushed after a workout. Literally, because of the busy day at work and the hard training in the gym, I got panic attacks. That is, a person with an extremely healthy lifestyle, I simply fried my central nervous system with some constant strength progressions in the gym. I underestimated the rest and it totally blocked my body.

And the underestimation of short workouts?

You can look great but feel like you haven’t done anything for yourself. We shouldn’t underestimate what a 30-minute workout can give us as a boost of confidence that we’ve done something. A 30-minute workout won’t necessarily change the way we look, but it will change the way we feel.

What to do when you don’t feel like working out?

Each person has his own worldview. There are just days when you don’t feel like doing anything. There are moments in life, there are stages when you don’t feel like training. Then this thing is uncorked and you enter the hall. But one doesn’t need that to exercise, one needs movement first. When you don’t move all day and I tell you to “Go in to exercise”, rather go out and breathe 20 minutes of air outside, if you have to sit on a bench without walking. Then start walking a little more. And then the moment will come when you might decide to do 20 push-ups. Build these habits little by little.

How do others influence your habits?

If your circle of people supports your lifestyle, you cannot easily change it. You must first change your environment if you want to change what you do. The way I got out of that hole is I stopped relying on my own responsibility to get in the gym today and work out. I saw within a month that relying only on myself did not work. I told myself that this thing had to change and signed up for group training. I needed a coach to yell at me, to tell me what to do.

The hardest workout for Sami Hossny is the crossfit workout. Have you tried a group activity? Reserve your place with us now and challenge yourself.

And if you want to see the whole episode and the other interesting topics we discussed in our studio, click HERE. You can also listen to us on our Spotify and Apple Podcasts accounts.

Soon a new episode with new interesting guests. Are you ready for your NEXT LEVEL? 😉