Сътрудничество между НСА и Next Level

National Sports Academy and Next Level will collaborate in joint activities aimed at promoting active lifestyles and systemic motor activity. The partnership vision was outlined by Prof. Krasimir Petkov, rector of the National Academy of Sciences and Tsvetelina Trendafilova, executive director of Next Level, with the signing of a bilateral cooperation agreement.

The contract provides for the implementation of activities in the field of education, qualification and realization of personnel prepared through the curricula of the National Sports Academy in the field of sports, sports management, wellness and spa industry, kinesitherapy and tourism.

Specialists who have completed their training at the National Sports Academy are fully prepared to meet the demands of users for an individual approach and effective sports activities. The trainings should be conducted only by qualified specialists to avoid injuries, stressed the rector of the National Academy of Sciences.

For her part, the executive director of Next Level – Tsvetelina Trendafilova thanked for the start of the joint cooperation and expressed her excellent impressions of the professionalism of the specialists who graduated from the NSA. We try to inspire and motivate people to engage in more movement and physical activity, stated Trendafilova and emphasized that the company values ​​the National Sports Academy as a strategic partner in the implementation of this mission.

Together with the Career Center at the Academy, the conducting of teaching-methodical and internship practices for students from the National Academy of Sciences will be organized in the halls of Next Level.

Prof. Hristo Andonov – Deputy Rector of the National Academy of Sciences, Associate Professor Ivan Sandanski – Head of the Career Center, Prof. Valentin Panayotov – Head of the Department “Weightlifting, Boxing, Fencing and Sports for All” and Valentin Dobrev – Director of “Administrative and Economic Activity”. Andrey Georgiev – operations director, Angel Karaivanov – sports manager and Paulina Pencheva – marketing manager were present as representatives of Next Level.