How to get in shape for the summer easier?

How to get in shape for the summer easier?

Summer is here and many of us are already dreaming of that perfect beach body. Did you know that getting in shape doesn’t have to be a difficult and exhausting process?

With the right fitness strategy and a few tricks, you can make the path to your dream figure much more pleasant and efficient. Here are some of the best methods to help you look and feel great this summer.

And now let’s go to the essence of the article, which will increase your motivation and give you hope that the tiles under the light shirt or the peach-looking butt are not so unattainable.

Tips and Tricks for summer fitness

Get the necessary dose of sleep and rest

Rest is just as important as training. Your body needs time to recover so it can function optimally and avoid injuries. Make sure you get enough sleep and allow yourself rest days between intense workouts.

According to the WHO, adults need 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night to be healthy and emotionally stable.

Lack of sleep leads to:

  • Increased levels of insulin in the blood and a feeling of hunger even after eating;
  • Hormonal imbalance that increases appetite, especially for unhealthy foods;
  • A drop in energy levels that makes you less likely to exercise to your full potential.

Hydrate yourself

One of the key factors in getting in shape for the summer is consuming enough water – approximately 2 liters per day. Keep in mind that this amount varies and depends on both gender and weight, as well as calorie intake, coffee and your overall lifestyle. Insufficient hydration can lead to:

  • Swelling and cellulite due to water retention;
  • Stretch marks due to dehydrated and inelastic skin.

It’s good to know that if you generally don’t have the habit of drinking enough fluids in your daily life, your body will get used to it and you won’t feel thirsty. However, that doesn’t mean you won’t get dehydrated. That’s why it’s good to always have a bottle or glass of water handy to remind you to take at least a few sips regularly.

Hydration during the day

It’s great to start your day with a glass of water. While you sleep, the body loses a large amount of fluids, so it is good to hydrate it immediately after waking up. This activates your metabolism and organs, which provides you with tone and helps detoxification. If you add a slice of lemon, you will fill your body with a useful dose of vitamins.

You can read more about lemon water in our article HERE.

It is recommended to drink a glass of water about half an hour before a meal. This aids digestion and helps you eat less food.

Water and sports

If sports are part of your life, drinking water before training is especially important. It provides energy and stimulates fat burning. It is important to know that it takes about an hour for the liquid to reach the muscles. Drinking water right before exercise (especially if you’re going to do squats or sit-ups) can lead to nausea and even vomiting.

Hydration before sleep

As with everything in life, with water, the key is balance. Maybe you avoid drinking water before bed so you don’t disturb your sleep by getting up to go to the bathroom. However, it is recommended to drink one glass immediately before going to bed to protect your body from dehydration during the night.

Staying well hydrated is an essential element in achieving fitness and good health. Follow these tips and don’t forget to drink enough water to feel and look great this summer!

Exercise regularly

You didn’t think you’d get away without this tip on how to get a summer body, did you? Here we can give you not one, but 3 directions.

If you are one of those people whose goal is to lose weight and at the same time build more muscle mass, then it is important to include exercises with heavier weights and fewer repetitions in your training. This is called the bodybuilding principle and is done with the goal of building more muscle mass.

Adding muscle tissue to your body speeds up your metabolism and facilitates fat loss, while giving you a sexier, sculpted shape that will reveal itself as you shed fat. Strength training helps both women and men become stronger and healthier. So grab those dumbbells and start getting ready for summer.

If you just want to shed the extra pounds so you can get back into the beach shorts of last summer, lifting light weights with lots of repetitions will do the trick. The idea with this type of training is that they are of longer duration and volume to burn more calories in one workout without the need for large breaks between sets.

If you’re not into weightlifting and aren’t sure where to turn, you can always opt for the well-known and tried-and-true cardio workout. There is nothing complicated about it, and with the right pace and duration, you will burn more calories than other types of training.

You can try all of our training tips at a Next Level location convenient for you.

Believe in yourself and your body because you are stronger than you think!

Attend group activities

We’ve listed the positives of attending group classes many times, but let’s recap them quickly and explain why we’re including them in this ranking to help you get in shape this summer.

If you’re not one of those people who have a built-in habit of exercising regularly or those who don’t like working out alone, group classes are the right thing to do. They can bring you into the community. The positives of this are many:

  • You find new friends;
  • Your workouts are more fun;
  • It’s harder for you not to visit the gym, because you already feel that training is part of your daily schedule;
  • You become part of a community, which motivates you for every next workout.

At Next Level you can find a wide variety of workouts to try and find the one that suits you best.

For faster weight loss, we can recommend the following activities:
– BodyPump in Bulgaria mall
– BodyAttack in Mladost 1
– HIIT in Mladost
– Kangoo Jump in Druzhba
– Spinning at The Mall
– Fat Burning Yoga in SportBox

A healthy way of eating

No matter how much we write about training, the statement remains true that a body is made mostly in the kitchen. Without eating healthy, you can’t achieve the results you dream of, regardless of how many pounds you lift and how much sweat you break on the treadmill.

Try to eat at the same times of the day and in moderate amounts. Your worst enemy is overeating and the dessert you can’t live without after every meal. Aim for a menu containing fish, meat, salads and fruit. Avoid fried and greasy food (yes, we know, it’s delicious…).

In order to correctly estimate how much you should eat, it is best to track approximately how many calories you expend per day and how much you can take in accordingly.

Eating lighter and healthier food will not only contribute to a better looking body, but you will also feel better, lighter and happier for the fact that you are doing something not only for your shape but also for your health.


We hope that our tips will be useful to you and help you achieve the desired weight and/or shape.

We want to remind you that a good body shape and a healthy lifestyle are things that require time and dedication to have a lasting effect.

Keep moving to your Next Level! 😉


**Take advantage of our new promotion – 9 training sessions in our gyms for BGN 99 within 45 days. This way, you will be able to combine your vacation with training and not have to worry about committing to a subscription for the summer months. You can take advantage of the promotion at the reception at a location convenient for you until 31.07.2024. We expect you!