Do you want to get in shape, improve your figure, health and self-esteem? At Next Level, we won’t let routine overwhelm you. In our 25 clubs with a total area of about 26,600 m2, you will find everything you need to start playing sports actively. You will find modern fitness machines, functional, cardio and stretching areas. A variety of group training sessions led by certified instructors are held daily in most of our gyms. After a hard workout, in selected clubs you can enjoy a sauna and a steam bath for a quick recovery of body and soul. You will always find something new with us.
We’ve saved the best for last. All our services are included in the subscription. So don’t wait any longer and request a free first visit and we’ll welcome you to the Next Level team.
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Sofia, Bulgaria Mall (69, Bulgaria Blvd)
Sofia, blvd. Professor Tzvetan Lazarov 113
Varna, 18 Hristo Botev Boulevard
Sofia, 18 Shipchenski prohod blvd.
5 Rezbarska Street
Sofia, g.k. Iztok, 2 Nikolai Haytov St
Sofia, bul. Tsar Boris III, 272
Sofia, Dobrotich str., block 329A
Sofia, Lozenets district, 44 “Zlatovrah” str, block 66
Sofia, Lulin 10, 25 Petur Dertliev blvd. (Labirint Center)
Sofia, Lyulin 5, block 550 / bul. “Doctor Peter Dertliev” 103
Sofia, Kv. Vitosha, Boulevard “Simeonovsko Shose 110
Sofia, Mladost 4, 5 Atanas Moskov str
Sofia, Mladost 1, №1 Jerusalem Str. №1, 2nd floor
Sofia, 97A Yordan Hadzhikonstantinov-Dzhinot St.
Sofia, 1 Bulgaria Sq., National Palace of Culture
Sofia, Kinotsentara III chast Vitosha, lane “ Okolovrasten pat”
Sofia, 114 President Lincoln blvd.
Sofia, 2 Arsenalski Blvd., Park Center
Pernik Plaza Retail Park (Yuriy Gagarin Blvd. 2А)
30-32 “General Eduard I. Totleben” Blvd.
Plovdiv, 158 Peshtersko Shose Blvd.
Sofia, 35 Simeonovsko shose blvd.
Sofia, 115 Tsarigradsko Shose Blvd., The Mall
Sofia, Oborishte district, 2 Trakia St